There's a Terry Fox in All of Us

There's a Terry Fox in All of Us

At Fairview Wines, we believe that wine tells stories—stories of passion, perseverance, and community. But today, we want to share a story that transcends wine, a story that speaks to the heart of what it means to strive for something greater, to embody hope, and to unite in the face of life’s greatest challenges.


Terry Fox was a young Canadian with an extraordinary dream. Diagnosed with cancer at the age of 18, he faced unimaginable challenges, losing his right leg to the disease. But Terry’s story didn’t end there. At 21, with the world at his feet, he embarked on a journey to raise funds for cancer research through what he called the ‘Marathon of Hope’—an attempt to run across Canada, one of the largest countries in the world, despite his prosthetic leg.



Terry ran 143 marathons, one each day, covering over 3,300 miles before the cancer spread to his lungs, forcing him to stop. Although he passed away at the age of 22, his dream didn’t die with him. Terry’s legacy has inspired millions around the world to continue his mission—raising funds for cancer research and, most importantly, offering hope to those touched by the disease.



At Fairview Wines, we’re proud to support this enduring cause. For the months of September and October, every year, £1 from every bottle of Canadian wine sold will be donated to the Terry Fox Run UK in support of the Institute of Cancer Research. Our goal is to raise £10,000 by 2030, keeping Terry’s dream alive and helping to fund ground breaking research in the fight against cancer.


But this isn’t just about selling wine. It’s about a shared mission. Cancer is something that touches us all, and like Terry, we believe that small efforts—when united—can lead to monumental change. We invite you, our community, to join us on this journey. Whether by purchasing a bottle of our Canadian wines or participating in one of the Terry Fox Fun Runs happening across the UK, every step brings us closer to a world where Terry’s dream of eradicating cancer can become a reality.


Deep within each of us lies the spirit of resilience, the same spirit that drove Terry to lace up his shoes each day and fight for a future he might never see. We believe there’s a Terry Fox in all of us—a drive to push beyond limits, to rally for the causes that matter, and to join hands in pursuit of a better tomorrow.


Let’s come together and help finish what Terry started. One step, one bottle, and one contribution at a time.


To learn more about how you can support, donate, or participate, visit the links below. Together, we can carry Terry’s torch forward and ensure that hope, much like a fine wine, continues to age with grace and strength.

Thank you for your support.

Donate to the Terry Fox Run UK
Sign Up for a Fun Run


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